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Spain is the main producer of Black Truffle or Pèrigord Truffle in the world. The Black Truffle is known as the gastronomic black diamond due to its amazing aroma and rich flavour and the sheer luxury experienced by the senses.


The Black Truffle is approximately the size of a walnut, between 3-12 cm in diameter. The Truffle has a globose and irregular appearance. The crust is composed by small and tight black wart in the shape of a pyramid of 3 to 5 mm. The interior is dark brown with white fine veins. 


 The harvesting period is from December to March.


Tuber Melanosporum

The Summer Truffles or Saint John Truffle grows in a Mediterranean environment similar to that of the Black Truffle.


The Summer Truffle is around 2-9 cm in diameter. Its appearance is globose and irregular. The outside surface is dark brown/black with longitudinal grooves. The inside is a dun/yellow colour with white fine veins.


The Saint John Truffle is known for its soft, pleasant and sweet fragrance.


The harvesting period is from May to September.


Tuber Aestivium


Tuber Uncinatum

The Autumn Truffle or Burgundy Truffle has an intense and luxurious aroma, with a fresh and autumnal flavour with slight touches of hazelnuts.



The Burgundy Truffle is around 2-10 cm in diameter. Its warts are slightly smaller than the once of the Tuber Aestivium. The crust is dark brown/black with longitudinal grooves. The glebe or interior of the Truffle is light brown/gold with fine white veins.


The harvesting period is from September to January.

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